Modern Building Construction

Modern Building Construction

Traditional construction has embraced gradual change over the last 50 years or so. A notable change has been the huge increase in in the use of plastics in almost all areas, from ground work to roofline from insulation to plumbing.

Once the groundwork foundations are dug, plastic drainage pipes are laid. These are normally, for house building purposes 110mm in diameter, and are made in 3 and 6 metre lengths.

A variety of bends, from 15% to 90% are available to allow flow flexibility. Junction pieces to conjoin pipes are made in Continue reading Modern Building Construction

High Availability

High Availability

The quest for High Availability, or HA, has become a little likened to the search for the elixir of life.

As reliance on computing systems has grown, so has the need to supply the provision of a level of service required.

In computing, availability is usually reckoned to be the period of time required for the system to respond to users, say, a one second response time, or the duration of when the services are available, say, Continue reading High Availability

Motoring Insurance

Motoring Insurance

There are many crimes relating to cars and drivers, but one of the most fundamental is not to have your car insured.

There are a growing number of drivers who are avoiding buying car insurance, perhaps not even realising that to drive without it is a criminal offence.

These drivers are a liability to all other road users, and indeed, themselves, pushing the burden of the cost of premiums onto law-abiding motorists.

Non insurance situations can happen by ignorance or mistakes, or by those who Continue reading Motoring Insurance